weight Fast with This Drink in 1 Week
Hi guys if you are a reader of this blog then you know the
all diet plan on this blog. Scroll down or search the diet and add this drink
which I’m going to show you now.
This drink is very effective on your abdominal muscles so
everyone who is looking for their weight loss I kindly recommend this drink
twice in a whole day. Full process of making and doses are given bellow.
Cumin magical drink :-
1. After having your dinner take one spoon of our magical
cumin seeds (jeera) in pan add one glass of water, boil it for 5 minutes, then
cover it for 3-4 minutes then pour into the glass hand drink it like on sip sip
2.now going for a second dose of our magical drink.When you
finish your night drink take a 1 glass of water, out 1 spoonof cumin seeds (jeera)
in that water cover the glass and keep it cover for whole night. And wake up
early morning and take this water of cummun seed into a pan boil it for 5
minutes,cover it for 3-4 minutes then drink same way you drink in the night.