To snack or not to snack? That is the question ... for doctors, for nutritionists and for you, as you
try to decide what to do about your grumbling stomach when it’s nowhere close to mealtime.
The short answer: Have the snack. Snacking has fallen out of favour in certain dieting circles, thanks in part to the popularity of intermittent fasting, in which you severely restrict your food intake on a periodic basis. Some folks interpret the Paleo diet, in which the diet-conscious attempt to imitate the food habits of our huntergatherer ancestors, as anti-snacking as well. But many modern-day studies
have found that snacking can have positive effects on your health, both physical and mental. Like what? Grab a banana—or a handful of peanuts— and read on! Weight Loss Can snacking help you drop a few kilos? Yes, but nutritionists’ insight into what works has changed. They once thought
that eating more frequently could boost your metabolism—your body would be working more often to burn calories. Alas, studies have been mixed when it comes to proving that theory. But a smart snack can prevent the kind of unhealthy binge eating that comes from hard-core hunger. “Your body is always talking to you—you just have to listen,” says New York- based internal and functional medicine specialist Robert Graham, MD, MPH. “So if you’re starting to feel a little hungry, don’t wait.” He recommends a simple approach: a three-meal plan interspersed with two or three snacks.
But you can’t grab hold of any old snack. Chips, cookies, crackers and other simple carbohydrates boost your blood sugar quickly, which ultimately leads to the sugar crash we’ve all experienced.
Instead, try nuts, complex carbs and fruits. “Toasted wholegrain bread with nut or seed butter with sliced tomato or cucumber is a great option and so are fruits such as pears, strawberries and oranges. Sprouted pulses such as moong, moth beans or chana can be made into a chaat by chopping in some
tomatoes and onions with a sprinkling of lemon juice, salt and chopped coriander, for a delicious and nutritious mid-meal snack,” says Naini Setalvad, a Mumbai-based obesity, lifestyle and disease consultant. Graham loves a fibre-rich apple because it’s the perfect snacking size. Pair it with protein-rich nut butter and you’ll feel fuller longer. Overall Health Snacking is a way to sneak a variety of
nutrients into your diet. Maya Feller, a registered dietician from New York, says you can’t go wrong
with a handful of mixed nuts. With polyun- saturated fats, fibre, protein,magnesium and calcium, nuts
can help your heart. The Journal of Nutrition reported that eating almonds regularly can improve good HDL cholesterol levels and remove bad cholesterol from the body. cholesterol levels and remove bad cholesterol from the body. patients trying to control sugar levels,” says Feller, “if they have a snack that’s well balanced, they’re more likely to have level blood sugar readings, as opposed to patients trying to control sugar levels,” says Feller, “if they have a snack that’s well balanced, they’re more likely to have level blood sugar readings, as opposed to the highs and the lows.” Other studies show that blueberries may fight age- the highs and the lows.”
If you must have a snack at night, try cottage cheese. A 2018 study pub- lished in the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating 30 grams of it 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime can fill you up without making you gain weight. It can also improve your metabolism, muscle quality and overall health.The Bottom Line There are different ways to go about this whole snacking thing. The one constant is to choose a healthy, filling option in an appropriate portion size. Do that, and the benefits don’t stop
at weight loss and improved health; your general approach to life might be affected. When you snack mindfully, says Nadkarni, “it’s easier to take a deep breath, focus on exactly what you’re
eating at that moment and enjoy the day around you too.”