How To Drop Your Weight With Surya-Namaskar

  • Surya-namaskar is a very ancient exercise created by our indian rishi muni. It is a very helpful for body flexibility, increase in stamina,joint pain,brain health as well as in weight loss also.

  • Daily 12 sets of Surya Namskar can creat an amazing result in your weight loss as well as in body shape and body tone.

  • There 12 steps to perform a single suryanamaskar. The best time for this exercise is morning 5 to 7 am and 5 to 7 at an evening.

Manipur Chakra (Solar Plexus)

  • Due to doing daily surya namaskar it activates our Manipur chakra ( Solar Plexus) which is place right behind of our stomach or on the place of spinal chord. So it makes our digestion system strong
  • , so we can easily solve our intestine problem make our body ready for digest more than daily food level.

Inshort daily 12 sets of surya namaskar burn your calories and fats from internal and make your body well in shape and tone. So do it every day and make your life weight free.